Did you know that approximately 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year to make single-use plastic products such as bags, straws, bottles, and packaging? How crazy is this!

The sad part is, only nine percent of the plastic gets recycled. Why? The fact is, most plastic cannot be recycled at all. The majority of the unrecyclable plastic ends up in landfills, in the ocean, or in our natural environment. 

The plastic that cannot be recycled slowly breaks up into smaller and smaller fragments, leaching toxic chemicals into the soil and water. All of us should be aware of the repercussions this has on our wildlife, vegetation, soil, and air. There are various images of turtles with straws lodged in their nostrils, and dead birds with plastic-filled bellies that populate our screens these days.

We are at a stage where more needs to be done by us. Think about it,  every piece of plastic ever made is still here, with us, on earth. Remember, recycling is no substitute for reducing what was bought in the first place.  It is time for us to be moving towards waste-free living. For us to begin this way of life, we need to stop plastic before it comes into our homes. 

The good news is, you can make a difference and inspire others to live similarly. Changing to a plastic-free lifestyle is not as hard as it seems.

Some of the easiest ways you can start this transition are as follows:

  • Refuse to use plastic bags and cutlery
  • Drink your water from a reusable water bottle
  • Carry a reusable coffee cup with you everywhere you go
  • Participate in beach- or river clean-ups


What else can you do?

We created an action checklist of ways you can move away from a plastic-heavy lifestyle towards a cleaner, more sustainable, and fulfilling zero-waste lifestyle. You can stick it on your fridge, form a habit, and tick off each change you make. This is exciting!


At Home

In your kitchen

  • Replace your non-stick cookware with stainless steel or cast iron cookware.
  • Rather make use of a stainless steel ice tray
  • Make your own yogurt and nut milk. It is easier than you think!
  • Use your food waste for compost
  • Instead of plastic wrap or tin foil, wrap your leftovers with plastic-free reusable, antibacterial wraps.
  • Choose a French Press over a coffee machine that uses capsules (Coffee grounds also make a great compost)
  • Don’t buy bottled water. Create your own fizzy drinks with a soda machine in your home.


Your pets

  • Give your pets toys and furniture made with natural materials and not plastic.
  • Use ceramic/steel/glass feed and water bowls rather than plastic.
  • Pick up waste with an old newspaper.



  • Wear clothes made from natural fibers such as hemp and bamboo. Not a lot of people know this, but lycra, polyester, spandex, and nylon are all made from plastic.
  • Get yourself a plastic-free reusable razor.
  • Make use of bar soaps rather than plastic bottled liquid soaps.
  • Use a reusable face cloth as opposed to wipes.
  • Buy yourself a bamboo toothbrush.
  • Opt for plastic-free dental floss rather than the old dental floss made from plastic.
  • Use plastic-free feminine hygiene products. You can even take it one step further with a menstrual cup!


General tips for your home

  • Make your own cleaning products from products you already have in your home.
  • Rather make use of disposable diapers for your baby with a reusable cloth.
  • If possible, rather repair your broken plastic items instead of replacing them.


At the Office

  • Don't use plastic pens, go for pencils or a refillable fountain pen.
  • Leave your reusable water bottle, eating utensils, and container at the office.
  • Switch to paperless billing. The less paper, the better. Safe Trees!


Out and about

  • When offering plastic lids and straws, rather refuse to use those when ordering takeaway drinks.
  • Bring along your own reusable takeaway containers to restaurants.
  • Start conversations about WHY you are refusing to use plastic. You might educate people.
  • Repurpose old plastic containers.
  • Form good habits. If you forget your mug, leave the coffee.
  • Give your kids waste-free lunch boxes.


Going to the shops

  • When going to the store, buy in bulk. You will even save money!
  • Take your containers and reusable plastic-free shopping bags with you.
  • Purchase second-hand electronics rather than new plastic electronics.
  • Buy products wrapped in cardboard, paper, or even better, no packaging!
  • Buy fresh bread wrapped in paper. You will love it.


It is time for the holidays!

  • Get creative and decorate a real tree. Ditch the plastic Christmas tree.
  • Refuse plastic gifts and promotional goods.
  • Find alternative wrapping techniques or use eco-friendly paper.
  • Give plastic-free gifts. Our Zero Waste Set is the perfect gift this Christmas. 


Going with a plastic-free lifestyle does not have to be an immediate change. The important part is that you are incorporating more of these points into your daily lifestyle. A zero-waste lifestyle does not mean going without something, it means figuring out what is important to you and then switching to waste-free alternatives. 

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